Friday, November 14, 2014

Day 78, August 1, 2014

I got to walk the same beautiful 10 miles today and yesterday. Delaware Water Gap, PA to Mohican Outdoor Trail Center. Only one woman would be able to experience me walking the same ten miles twice and that is my beautiful mother. I am extremely proud of my mother who has hiked sections continuously from Springer, Mtn., GA to the Mohican Outdoor Center. She has 800+ miles left to hike on the AT and that is all I have completed :)! Go MOMS! 

We ate wild blue berries, wine berries and raspberries. 

We spent our evening enjoying homemade spaghetti sauce with some fellow Germans.

The AMC switched my byte headlamp out for a new one! Christmas comes twice a year. I have a new technology head lamp from black diamond and my byte head lamp had bit the dust! Now both headlamps are operable!!! Happy AT thru hiker for sure :)! I'll send one home to lighten my weight.

Bed at 12 a.m. after discussions from AT workers in New Hampshire. I'm ready for the challenge, no doubt!

Moms was out round 9 p.m. I completed dishes and had us ready with water for a 8:00 a.m. shuttle!

Delaware Water Gap, PA to Mohican Outdoor Center, NJ.


She's happy to be out hiking!

Sunfish pond.


Wild blueberries.

Mom and our German friends. Muslee and his friend from NYC Christina.

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