Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day 7 May 22, 2014

Severe thunderstorms starting at 1 a.m. The thunder rolled down the mountains and lightening popped all night. An inch of rain but stayed extremely dry. Saw a large rat snake. Joe picked it up from the tail and it pulled back in striking position. Approximately 5 to 6 ft long. We were able to hike 9 miles in approximately 3 hours. We had an amazing pace and hiked 14 AT miles. My Katadyn water pump lost pressure after the fourth day of use. I will send home and get a brand new one later. It had a warranty on it. 

Catherine was kind to let me use hers. Will get a new one on Saturday. If need be, I have iodine tablets for back up. I will get the sawyer squeeze. Evidently it's the most prevalent and is easy to use.

Body feels good and I'm ready for town. I will adjust some gear and should be fully equipped. A shower will be amazing. Day 5 no shower.

I am so excited to be hiking the Appalachian Trail! I cannot believe it's really happening. 53.4 AT miles completed in five days. Excellent pace!

Rat snake. Hey there buddy!

Stay right there while I take a picture!

Joe's picture of the snake. Copyright Joe Hiatt.


Rhododendron perty!


In the process of blooming.

IHOP and cool fungus on a tree.

I found my lady Joy Laboy's slipper. Joy is IHOPs mother. Beautiful.

Japanese friends banjo style instrument. Nice rattlesnake skin! Do it up Joe!

Nice Japanese friends. Look at those chop sticks. Cool fellas. Wilderness magazine guys. Section hiker on right thru hiker on left.

Nice shelter at our campsite. Didn't stay here tent camped. It was full. That's Jumanji on right. They call themselves the ganja gang lol.

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